Forum Discussion

Minty's avatar
Apr 30, 2014

Toilet foot pedal??HELP

Hi folks long time since I have posted or even looked so I am sorry for that, but I am in desperate need of guidance..

I thought I had a water leak so long story short I tore apart the toilet including the foot pedal. Now that Ive put it back together I have no spring action to return the pedal to the closed position.

What or how can i remedy this problem..

  • Sorry everyone been crazy here between trying to fix things work family and actually camping I did figure it out. I had the spring in the wrong way and i will need to adjust it as it is still not what it used to be. Sure wsh they would put the sign that says do not remove , way bigger and in a spot that you can see it Not after you removed it..
  • On my DOMETIC 310, as I recall, the pedal will have to be started on by turning the foot pedal so that it turns from the back of the toilet and pulled around to put tension on the spring, then before letting go, put the nut on and snug it up! Its been more than a year since I had to do mine but hat is how I recall the procedure!
  • The toilet model would help.

    If it is one of the ones that you lift to fill, press to flush then there is a flat "over-center" spring on the shaft on the side opposite the pedal. Easily lost or mis-aligned.
  • First get on your hands and knees and see if there is something on the floor under the pedal.......I called RV mobile Repair to have mine fixed only to find out a teenie tiny flat cap from a bottle had rolled under it. The smallest thing under it will prevent it from working.:R
  • Same with us. The pedal came off and we ended up with a new toilet. Luckily we were still under warranty. Get a Dometic if you do need a new toilet. At least the pedal will stay on on those. This problem with Thetford is well known.
  • Don't know what kind of toilet you have but I have a Thetford and my foot pedal came off last winter there is two springs you have to get in the right spot when you slide the pedal back on I could get it back on ok but the bad news is it would not stay on went to rv dealer and they said once it comes off there is nothing to do to keep it on I had to by a new toilet.
  • Sounds like you may not have re-assembled the foot pedal and spring incorrectly?

    Don't feel bad, I did the same thing. Had to take it apart again and figure out how to assemble properly to get the foot pedal and spring to function properly.

    I don't think I could explain it correctly in this thread so I won't try. You just need to start over with the pedal assembly. I doubt you have broken any parts so re-assemble things differently until you got it working.