GregK wrote:
I'm ready to absorb it all, so let's hear it.
The best way to "absorb" is to do your *own* homework and research!
The Tow Vehicle forum (here) would be a place to start.
However, that gets into brand bashing - often by "brand loyal" folks who would continue to buy *their* favorite, no matter what it's faults may be.
So how do you get unbiased info?
The best resource/s you can use -especially for used TVs- are the
*brand specific* forums for Chevy/GMC, Ford, and Dodge.
Several for each brand, just Google: "(brand) forums"
(Plenty of brand specific forums for gassers also).
See what the *owners* are saying and what kind of help/info they are seeking from other owners of the *same* brand!.:W
Some forums even have a "Help!" section.
Check the info available in the various sections of each forum, paying special attention to the good and bad for the engine & trans combos for the year/s you are interested in, and the *problems* the owners are having.
How solved?.:@
What did "fixits" cost?.:@
Down time?.:@
The good, bad and ugly - should be readily apparent.
Worked for me..:C