Forum Discussion

Wandy's avatar
Feb 19, 2015


Looking for a Dish for the lesser RV resorts or backwoods stay. How does one go about purchasing one, they all want to do my residence and could care less about RV. would like to stay away from those pricey in motion satellites
  • We bought a pathway X2 and 211z receiver from When it arrived, I hooked them up, connected to a tv, then called Dish to have it activated. Once it was activated, I put it in my RV.
  • Just be aware if you buy a reconditioned unit you could get stuck paying Dish any unpaid bill before they will connect.
  • You didn't mention which satellite service (Dish/Directv) and if you plan on pointing/aligning sat dish yourself
    or use one of the portable automatic satellite finders. Here's another website geared toward RVers.