RustyJC wrote:
stew47 wrote:
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Do you mean they stress the fifth wheel frame? Do you recommend tearing out a gooseneck and going with a fifth wheel hitch only?
No need to tear out the gooseneck when the B&W Companion 5th wheel hitch (if it's a B&W Turnoverball gooseneck) or the Andersen hitch can be used in conjunction with it. I just wouldn't use one of the gooseneck adapters that bolt onto the 5th wheel's pin box and use the gooseneck ball. The additional leverage imposes torques on the 5th wheel frame that it isn't designed to handle. All the gusseting that you see on the "crown" of gooseneck trailers to resist these torques isn't there on a 5th wheel frame.
Oh ok I get it. Yea Anderson is in the lead.