Cummins12V98 wrote:
way2roll wrote:
I appreciate the input.
Tweety's was more expensive with the hitch and rails than Etrailer or my dealer. But it's a moot point, the Curt is a done deal. Unless someone can provide some input as to why Curt won't work or it's a bad choice, I am not switching horses mid-stream. Like I said, the B&W was a "nice to have", not a "have to have". I feel sure the Curt will be just fine.
Moving on.
You asked, the CURT is Made in CHINA and can be a real bear to unhitch. YES I have used one.
Sell what you have, buy the B&W and have one less issue to deal with while RVing.
B&W sets the price and most sell at that price.
Maybe I am missing something. Per Curt's website and other reviews:
"All CURT custom receiver hitches are made in the USA, meaning they are engineered, fabricated, welded, finished, tested and finally shipped out from our headquarters in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
From design to finish, we do everything here on American soil because we believe in providing products of the utmost quality for our customers."
And it's not just Curt's website, every reference I pull up to see where they are made, all say USA.
Several sites reviewing these hitches cite the 16k Curt hitch as a great hitch. The only complaints were about packaging and shipping and damage to items once arrived. Which seem more to do with Fed Ex or UPS than Curt.
Again, not arguing B&W isn't a great hitch but I can't find any solid evidence the Curt is a poor choice. All this is a moot point, it's a done deal. I will try it, if I am ok with it then so-be-it. I have other fish to fry. If I don't like it, I can always change it out.