This is the orignal poster. I considered everything you mentioned from the brakes being contaminated, to the bearings being damaged. When I had each bearing out I took special precaution inspecting them and rotating them to see if any heat or other problems were apparent, non to my inspection but I have purchased a complete set of bearings, seal, races, and of course cotter keys that are in the storage compartment of the trailer. I usually have the trailer brakes set way low as far as applying goes when stopping. I rely on my gearing down {6 speed manual} , and my exhaust brake. They do a great job on steep down hill grades. I will pull them off when we get back, only a 200 mile run both ways. Besides my brother is on his way with his bumper pull and our trailer is loaded. Living in the morning.
Again I appreciate all the knowlegable input from all you folks. Everything stated is good info from all.