Executive wrote:
Golf carts belong on the golf course. Leave them at home when camping. Get out and walk! Exercise makes you live longer and healthier. More time for camping. I can't think of any State or National parks that allow them, for good reason.....Dennis
Well Dennis may I suggest you begin a Fitness Blog? Besides the GC we also ride motorcycles, though surely we would more fit if we walked. But then come to think of it, we do work out regularly, so maybe it will be Ok for you to allow us to decide how, and with whom, we would like to camp?
And I disagree that GCs belong on Golf Courses exclusively. Golf Carts are great! Even fit people love them because they will carry 4-6 people, or groceries, or that 20 lb bag of ice. They will even carry your elderly mother who still enjoys the lake or the woods, but who no longer has the mobility for long walks. probably because she didn't take your advice, Dennis.
Still Very happy to receive any constructive advice from Golf Cart wrong thinkers:)