Forum Discussion

Steakman's avatar
Feb 22, 2021

Yoko Geolander GO15 A/T LT Tires ... Any good.??

Well, It's that time again for a new set of treads.

I've been lucky the past 10 years in that twice I've been able to Acquire a full Set of 4 ea BN TAKE-OFFS (BFG Rugged Trail 2675/70R17 LRE 121 Load rating), for the paltry price of 150.00 CAD Ea.

For me, these have been simply phenomenal TIRES..!! Long lasting - good in the snow and rain... and zero issues towing a 12,000 lb 5th Wheel. What more could a guy ask for right.? However RETAIL price installed/balanced is now near $1400 CAD. A Fair chunk of change.

As such, MONEY TALKS and BS walks:
I have an opportunity to purchase a set of YOKOHAMA Geolander GO15 A/T tires for 850 CAD Installed/Balanced and am VERY CURIOUS if any of you guys have experience with this Particular Tire ...??

Thanx and Cheers from Calgary, Alberta
  • I have them on my 5W and run them on every P/U I have owned, I have them on my F350 now. Great tires wear great, just remember to rotate. The only down I know of is they are not carried in every store. I put new one on two years ago and got a 1/4" screw in a month old tire. They replaced it but had to order one to match, the 350's got stock 20" rims.
  • I used to get 100k out of the BFG's no problem with tread left. Awesome tire, spend the money.
  • HAD A set on my dually very happy with them towing a 17k fiver
  • I have Yokohama tires on my Chevy dually and they have held up better than the Michellins I've had on it.
  • hmmm.. this is the 5th wheel trailer forum. I don't klnow of any 17" trailer wheels but if your asking about your tow truck we have a tow vehicle forum where you will get more input for your tires.