A little over thirty years ago I worked on a travel trailer (Prowler and Terry) assenbly line at a Fleetwood plant for two summers while I was still in HS. The RVs back built back then were nothing but cheap luan plywood and pine framing, with staples and hot glue holding them together. I couldn't believe how crappily they were slapped together with very unskilled labor. When I bought my first toy hauler ten years ago I quickly realized that nothing much has changed. Once you get past all the pretty stuff, the same staples and hot glue are still holding everything together and they were put there by the same unskilled labor. Nothing has changed except the slick bells and whistles that are considered to be must have options; the build quality has stayed the same. Considering the amount of money today's RVs are going for and the junk they are selling as "new", I am amazed that the manufacturers are able to sell new units.