You can't take the Fisherman out of this Camper wrote:
How about back to the drawing board? I hesitate to discourage you, but $400 per month for fuel will not take you very far! I go through that in two days on the road and your vehicle is not going to use any less fuel than mine does! Be prepared for very short and infrequent trips.
I have to assume that the OP has covered the other expenses in their budget and is only speaking of a portion of their budget for fuel being $400.00 per month.
Not knowing what kind of MPG the tow vehicle gets I figured on the low side of 10 miles per gallon and a fuel cost of $3.70 per gallon (The amount I paid yesterday). $400.00/$3.70 per gallon = 108 Gallons * 10 miles per gallon = 1,081 miles per month.
Seems more then adequate to me. The USA is 2,880 miles wide so technically speaking the OP could drive coast to coast @ $400.00 per month in less then 3 months. 2,880/1,081 = 2.664 months.
Increased fuel cost per gallon means less miles per month. Driving two vehicles means less miles per month. Less then 10 MPG means less miles per month. Still it seems to me that with careful planning things should be fine.
If site fees are not covered then that is a horse of a different color.
The Corps of Engineers offer a 50% discount on fees with a
America the Beautiful Access Pass. for persons with disabilities.