If it makes you happy, say that you are full timing. There is no official definition, so you can't be wrong.
If you are asking a question on the forum and say you are full timing, you introduce confusion as most people will jump to the logical conclusion that on an RV forum that you are traveling at least to some degree.
It seems to upset some people but I've thought we should adopt more clear terms for what you are doing:
- Stationary: Living in an RV park or on private land and never (or almost never) moving the RV.
- Snowbird: Traveling south in the winter but largely staying put once you get there.
- Traveler: You move at least monthly.
Keep in mind, you can change your status but by defining these terms it makes responses much more useful. Example: If you have winter camping responses for a Stationary RV may be much different than for a Traveler RV as the Stationary RV can install skirting and other semi-permanent items but that would be impractical for someone just stopping for a few days.