2G: Yes I know what it's like and am finding I enjoy it as much as ever. It is different for me this time around, now solo. No longer pulling a 40' 5th with a Int'l tractor and looking for f/h/u sites with all the amenities. During our previous years we never boondocked once and I think I can count the times we stayed at a public campground on one hand. Borrowing from Tiffin, we were 'roughing it {as} smoothly" as we could possibly find.
So now I have a considerably smaller unit and in the past 3 summers of travel and now full time, I rarely use a private campground. My first choice now is one of the amazing COE parks out there, or State, City or County parks, ELKs, Cracker Barrels (not so fond of Wally World) or from time to time as I did last summer, along side the road on the Gaspe' Penin. It's a great way to live! Hope I have a few more years before having to hang up the keys again.