Full Time RVers
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to all you fulltimers when you are at a park and dont have full hookups do you use a portable one or do you unhook when you are at a park for a month thanks

Part Timing

Well we finally did it, Wife quit her job and I sold my business. We are headed to Silverton, Colorado next week to spend the summer. We have been talking about it for years and last year a buisness opportunity came up so we bought the " Rocky Mounta...

Okie1 by Explorer
  • 9 replies

new to full timing - questions, advice

My fiance and I are new to full timing and very excited about this new adventure! We bought a flagstaff, v-lite TT and will be hitting the road the beginning of April as soon as it arrives...my job will take us across the states. We are both new to ...

jadams04 by Explorer
  • 16 replies

Health insurance -- where to call home when I apply?

I've been on the road 7 years (no other home) and have used my parents' address in MT as my home address. My vehicles are registered there. They're now moving to Mexico full-time selling their house, and I'm wondering where I should declare myself fo...

cannesdo by Explorer
  • 18 replies

Affordable insurance for full timer in S.D.

We received our letter requesting proof of residence today from South Dakota, Sanford Health plan, they request 2 forms of proof that we have been residence for 9 months. We do our banking , have drivers license , register 3 vehicles and still cant ...

UPS Mailbox Service

If you are using UPS Mailbox Service and decide to cancel the service and return to an actual physical address, you need to be aware that the US Postal Service will NOT forward your mail to your new address. In fact, in the fine print of your UPS Mai...

wntrtxn by Explorer
  • 8 replies

Full timing and health insurance coverage

I am an RV'er myself (with a Class A), but my husband and I are still working full time. However, today I am in the Full-Timing Forum to ask for feedback on how full timers handle travel and medical appointments. I realize this is an unusual post, ...

total budget allocation: new vs. used

Hi to all. We're 30 days into researching full timing and decided on a fifth wheel/ 1 ton DRW truck based on lifestyle choices. We like hiking, kayaking, backpacking, biking and are very active. I researched the manufacturers and product lines found ...

Having a hard time with full timing

Hello,Let me first give you some background. I am a married women- my husband has had this idea of living in an RV traveling around the US for years. He had a mandatory retirement date, so when it came close, we started to get serious about what we...

jcpjane by Explorer
  • 55 replies

Medicare Part C Questions.

Planning on dipping our feet into full-timing this summer, but our health insurance has a limited amount of doctors we can see, and they are all in one county of my state. Is there any states where we can change our Medicare Advantage plan to cover t...

Screen room/tent

Hello everyone,My wife and I will be starting fulltiming this June. I would like to get a compact screen room/tent that we can fit a picnic table within. Does anyone have a favorite to recommend.I have seen a few and like the LLBean model as it has f...

S-n-L by Explorer
  • 15 replies

full timing

while full timing how long to most of you stay in one place?how much does it cost most of you per month to full time?how do you go about choosing where you stay?i know this may be a touchy subject and i'm really only asking for ballpark figures. many...

majortwo by Explorer
  • 19 replies

any full time rituals?

OK shoot me if I am to corny but in June, after we have our epic garage sale and throw the keys to the house back at the lousy landlord we are stepping into our coach and heading out for phase 2 of life. Are there any rituals that should be conducte...

Trading home for RV.

Thinking about going full-time, but want to get rid of our house so we don't have a lot of overhead while travelling. I was thinking about doing a trade for an RV from someone who wanted to give up RV'ing, and go back to bricks and sticks.Any suggest...