louiskathy wrote:
Many years ago (we've been RVing since 1990 in one class A or another)we had a problem at the dump station JUST ONCE that resulted in most of our black tank on the ground instead of "down the hole". It was raining (of course). Dealing with the mess and cleaning up the area would have been so much easier if there had not been all that white dissolving toilet paper clinging to the rough ground.
I don't care how many say that it's so disgusting to imagine not putting that nasty TP in the toilet. (They only say that here... they don't tell me this in my own RV And they certainly are not going to be around helping me clean it up off the ground.)
Just curious...how exactly would your job of cleaning up the ground after your black tank spill be any easier or cleaner without the TP...I think the TP was the least of your problem...:S...Dennis
P.S. All of this can be solved by investing is one simple item...
The Bumper Dumper