step one to me is figure out your money, medical coverage and mail situation. are your kids going to deal with it for years????? many people just become residences of a state like SD and do a mail box there. ( is one of several). who is going to take your mail? put all of your billings and banking on line. for banking, just go to the bank website and sign up, that simple.
second thing is what do you mean a rv for everywhere but new england???? you will be living in your rv so it will be with you wherever you go.
and if you are 62 i suspect that you will end up buying several rvs over the next number of years if you enjoy the rving.
since you are a newbie buy a used rv and try it out before you sell your house if at all may not like rving. you rent a rv and try it out. find someone in your area to ask questions and maybe travel a little with them.
and hear are some sites for a single woman.