RVing and medical needs.
1. When I reach a location I plan to stay for an extended period of time, I call the local hospital and get the names and numbers of local Drs. and then set up an appointment. I then have an established Dr. and have all my medical records sent to this new Dr..
2. I created a complete computer spread sheet that lists all my prescriptions i.e. name & generic, dosages, frequency, Dr. who prescribed, list of all my previous surgeries, allergies and name, addresses, phone/fax # all Drs. I carry 5 copies of this spread sheet and just present it to the Dr. or emergency care center where I am located. This spread sheet does not have to done a computer but having it saved on your computer makes it easier to keep it updated and current. I also aways carry a copy inside my vehicles. I also transferred this info to a small flash drive and hang it on my dash after I paint it red so emergency responders can use to down load all my prescriptions.
3. I use a large pharmaceutical i.e. Wall Greens that can fill my prescriptions no matter what state or city I am in.