We put all of the money from the sale of house away and paid cash from savings for the motor home. We were lucky enough to sell the house in early 2003 near the peak of housing value in the area.
After 12 years on the road we executed our exit plan and bought a house in western CO.
We have close friends that did not have the financial resources to formulate an exit strategy but wanted to full time so much that they said to heck with it and went ahead. After 13 years on the road health issues forced them to stop.
They declared bankruptcy and let the motor home be repossessed - they owed much more on it than it was worth.
They now live in two rooms of an apartment they share with their daughter and her husband. They pay half the rent.
They really miss full timing and are not happy with the current arrangement after the years of freedom but they have some happy years to look back on.