jnharley wrote:
I cannot imagine carrying around 30 days of dirty laundry. I can take care of laundry while sitting around in my pjs in the morning or evening. And I know what was washed and dried in my stackables. Once we stayed at a military campground and someone urinated in the dryers. Would you want to dry your clothes in those machines after they wiped them out?
This is hilarious. If you don't have a picture it didn't happen.
Everyone RVs differently. We'd take a public park with no hookups over a RV park any day.
We did 10-14 days of laundry in 1-1/2 hours in town where we also did grocery shopping or errands. Then we didn't have to think about laundry and could get out of the RV and enjoy ourselves. Honestly, we have never seen a bad laundramat. Clothes are washed and rinsed. Nothing's going to contaminate them. You wash your clothes in unthinkable dirt, too! :)