Every time one of these threads comes up you always see the argument made by some that they've never needed to have a gun in X number of years camping. While that is a valid statement to make, it is a 100% invalid argument to make about whether you need a gun or not. The fact is the vast majority of us who carry guns with us in our RV will never have the occasion to use them. But what happens if after 20 years you've never needed one, then that one night at 2am you do need it and don't have it? It only takes getting killed one time to learn your lesson.
If you don't like guns and don't want to carry one then I'm fine with that. If you don't know for sure you can use it and if you don't practice with it then you are probably more dangerous having it than not having it. But if you want one and you're going to take the time to get trained with it, then by all means get one.
I spent 28 years as a cop and there is one thing I can tell you, in the vast majority of all violent crimes the cops are going to get there in time to put up crime scene tape and conduct an investigation. Very rarely do the police show up in time to prevent a violent crime unless they just happen to be in the right place at the right time. And when you're camping in remote locations, the police may not even be able to show up for an hour or longer.