Forum Discussion

Rlaubert's avatar
May 29, 2014

Hitting the road....

Well on June 2 we will be officially on the road as full-timers. Been 11 years in the works. Living full-time in an RV while working, I am now retired. Our first month we will be staying in the PA/NJ area. Still have some doctors appointments and driver training to get out of the way. Then after the 4th of July we head to South Dakota. Back in PA in October then off to FL for the Winter.

Hopefully will meet lots of new friends as we travel.

Will be posting our travels on the new blog along with my how-to articles and other ramblings.
  • Congrats to all of you. My wife and I had been thinking of doing it for years, and had not pulled the trigger yet even though we have been spending many months each year on the road. Friends and kids were saying, why do you even have a house? Last November we had a fire at our S&B in CO while we were in AZ. After 8 months of pain and reconstruction, we suddenly realized that all our goods were already packed and in storage, some stuff was already given to the kids (first to store, then to keep). We had to decide whether to move back in or put it up for sale. Well, we are now under contract and hoping to close soon. We'd better because we're already gone...we lived those 8 months in our motor home and now are campground hosting in the Grand Tetons, then heading down to AZ for some travel and leisure time. We're not looking back and not missing it at all. All our responsibilities now start and end at about 37' - the length of our motor home. Why did we wait so long???
  • My wife and I are at the same point. She retires Oct. 30. I lost the option of retirement when Obama came to office, long story. But we are retireing anyway. Hope to sell everything by December and hit the road to see our great nation. Never seen the Grand canyon or the worlds largest ball of twine.

    We just purchased our 5th wheel last month. We got the Montana 3735MK. I am setting it up now.

    We are scared and excited. We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible.

  • We have been retired for almost 3 years. My bride and I have been discussing going full time RVing for quite some time but could not summon the courage to pull the trigger. This year, upon our return to our S/B domicile (5 winter months in Yuma, AZ), we realized just what a hassle home ownership can be. Over several evenings of long one on one conversation and a few adult beverages, we discussed the ups and downs of getting rid of 38 years of treasures, and hitting the road full time. Should we do yard sales and list the house with a real estate agent or should we have an auction and be done with it? Well, the auction is scheduled for mid July. We will be leaving town the following day. Lots to do between now and then but we are really looking forward to having it done.
    Good luck to all in whatever endeavor's you wish to pursue!
  • Wingnusa, we will be in Rapid City during that time frame August 17th - 24th at Hart Ranch Resort.
  • Congrats and good luck. If you're in the Rapid City area between Aug 17th and Sept 17th stop in at Americas Mailbox and track us down. We'll be there sitting out our time for our CCW's...
  • Congratulations! We'll be joining the "retired and full-timing" group in August. Looking forward to hitting the road, seeing new places and making new friends. Good Luck!