the bear II wrote:
Go to
This couple left the corporate world sold everything and wnet fulltime over 6 years ago. His journal on the website shows what they went through and he provides a great view of the costs month by month. Everything you want to know about fulltiming can be found on that site.
I'm sorry, but everything you need to know about fulltiming can't be found on their website. What you can find out about is how THEY fulltime. And they don't fulltime like we fulltime. And their 'costs' aren't their true expenditures because some of their costs are covered by the business side of their fulltiming.
Best way is to read several forums, including the
ESCAPEES forum which probably has more fulltimers than any other forum around, and then read the blogs of different posters - there are as many ways to fulltime as there are fulltimers.
I agree, don't even think about buying a lot until you've figured out your style and what you want to get out of fulltiming. One thing is to realize that we haven't seen whether the same % of boomers will take to the RV lifestyle as previous generations have - - if they don't then the 'investment' of having a lot that can be rented out might not be a good one after all.