Forum Discussion

wandering1's avatar
Nov 04, 2013

Missing Social Security Funds

I visited my local SS office to ask questions and was told by the SS rep not to set up an online account to access my SS info. If you have online access to your SS account then your account may be hacked. 1000’s of accounts per week are being hacked into from India and China. If you receive a direct deposit then the hackers change your bank info to theirs and your funds are deposited into their account. If you receive your funds by mail then they change your mailing address to theirs. According to the SS rep only those that have an online account set up are being hacked. The office I visited was in a small town and I was told 3-5 accounts per week in that area were being hacked into. If you don’t get your SS funds on time call your SS office. The SS rep recommended closing your online account to prevent hacking.