Everyone travels differently so it's hard to make a comparison. For us, as full-timers, we wouldn't spend that much for camp fees (we boondock on national forest or BLM lands & because we're 'old' we can use the Senior Pass to get us into the national parks free and 1/2 off on camping there and also at national forest campgrounds & other national public parks, no admission fees as we don't do that kind of entertainment, no Dish and half that for Wireless. Two to three haircuts in 4 months would be plenty for us so your grooming is high. We cook simply and don't go to expensive restaurants and our hobbies are hiking, geocaching, 4-wheeling - things outdoors. So....your budget is high for us.
If you're budgeting $30/night for an RV park then it's a good figure.
We went from Arizona to Alaska and spent 4 months, including expensive fuel along the way we came in much lower.
However, if that's what you spend at home then it's right for you.