Forum Discussion

eliandjax1's avatar
Mar 11, 2014

saying hi as a fellow fulltimer in a different situation.

I am new to the forum but have been reading them for sometime and found them extremely helpful. Thank you to everyone who contribute.

A little bit about my family and myself... I am 27 and dw is 25. We have two boys 7 and 3. We currently live fulltime in a 2002 Pioneer 30ft travel trailer at a commercial campground in tx. We started our journey back in feb 2013 when we purchased a 1978 shasta 27'. We had decided to take a year off to travel after I finished a 3 month job in flordia. We had always talked about wanting to try it and we knew we did not want to stay in our current location in illinois so we ended our lease on the 2800sqft house sold almost everything and away we went. We traveled in 6 states and ended up in texas where we decided we wanted to live. We essentially picked a point on the map and looked at local rv parks and chose one. No real plan was devised but within two days of hooking up camper I had a fulltime job that offered the best pay I have had to date.

So here we are living fulltime in a travel trailer with 2 boys and our two girls (pitbull and german shepherd) I know we are not the typical snowbirds or retired couple and we are by no means wealthy (in debt actually). I felt the desire to introduce myself so that maybe anyone else surfing these forums that maybe in a similar situation as we are would know it is possible to fulltime and enjoy it. I hope that I can provide maybe a different perspective to fulltime living on the forums.