Supercharged wrote:
The word full timer has become a (COOL) word to use today when ask how you fit in, Traveling folks who move on a fairly regular basis year round and have sold off most things back home, and move around as they feel like, it is what a call full timers. The RV's with one good tire and a truck load of chap under his RV behind on the rent and has not moved in 2 years is not what I would call a full timer. I would call them homeless with a wore out RV. The ones who come south for the winter are just snow birds. Those who travel all summer in cool country are part time travelers. I'm just a part timer my self, but look real good at it.
I look at it this way, if people live in an RV due to a situation that put them there then who am I do judge. Times aren't exactly awesome right now. They are fulltimers, in my view anybody who lives in an RV is one, who am I to label them? There are places for people stuck living in an RV to stay, since most of us don't live in a park like that we don't see what its like, at least I haven't and pray I never will be.
After all, could be you me or anybody here living fulltime in a wore out RV some day. Your current RV may become that wore out rig that other people will scoff at.