Keith Haw wrote:
It's on going treatment for a stroke a few years back. Want to keep connected to the same VA clinic here, with same primary care.
I was talking about meds, and the VA will ship anywhere. However if you are on any narcotics you will have to visit a VA and get them. The easiest way is to have your primary note in the record that you are on (name of drug) and (dosage) and will need a refill every (number) days. When you go to any VA they should fill it for you. You may have to visit a walk in clinic but it should get taken care of. If money is not the over riding factor for your narcotics see if the VA doctor will write a script for you to fill on your dime at a commercial pharmacy. Better yet ask him to give you 3 to 6 RX's each dated for the future so you can only refill one at a time. He may or he may not but you are in a way lucky. You are one of the people whose entire medical record is available at any VA in the USA, PR and the VI. That means when you go to your primary care where you are from he can see every visit you made on the road and other providers can keep up the continuity of care you receive from your primary. JUST MAKE SURE THE MD DOCUMENTS YOUR NEED IN THE MEDICAL RECORD.