Forum Discussion

DianneOK's avatar
Jan 16, 2014


I am passing this information along..........regarding a "TROLL" member
Jonny T, moderator, RV Net wrote:
01/13/2014 "gordjones" Came back again... Banned and purged.. Expect this miserable individual will re surface again... Just be on the look out for a new member being a jerk...

01/02/2014 "crankyoleman" New name same old story...

12/24/2013 "bycrackey" New name same troll...

11/29/2013 "McRvguy"

11/05/2013 "tiffinboy" Just can't seem to control his trolling He is back in Palm Springs for the winter so I was hoping he would stop being a jerk... No such luck.. So if you see a post from tiffinboy or prism.. just "walk on by" Ignore any PM's WE will ban these user ID's but know that this individual will create yet another... So help me out by sending me a notify on new members who seem to be obstreperous. He will be registering a new user ID.

He does on rare occasion post something that is worthwhile...But it is the exception to the rule.

09/28/2013 "Prism" Initially behaved but he is what he is...

9/5/2013 "Renonut"

5/30/2013 "deadbat"

5/18/2013 "coolcity"

3/22/2013 hardtotell Back again... Not sure what is wrong with this guy....But its no simple thing...

3/15/2013 crazymcnuts Our most cowardly troll is back again If you have gotten any PM's from this coward please ignore and do not respond... The reason for branding him a coward is that he hides behind a myriad of false names and then posts insults and sends vile PM's which I doubt he would offer up in person...

I am not sure what is wrong with this individual ...but its not a simple thing...... He is Canadian, spend his winters in Indio CA and Winters BC... If he keeps this up his name. Campground and site number will be next...He does have a class A its a 2008 Tiffin Allegro Bus...

So do me a favor keeps those PM's and notifies coming..

JohnnyT Moderator

3-13-2013 New Alias idoalittle

3-10-2013 New Alias okvly

3-07-2013 New Alias solidfiction... I will be purging most of his posts and cleaning up... Do not respond to any PM's from this jerk...As some of you know he is pretty much of a knothead.. Do not trust anything he posts...

Even though we have sophisticated tools to ferret out and deal with bums like this one.. Our best tool is you folks..Please continue to click the notify and send me PM's...

JohnnyT Moderator

2-26-2013 New alias junkyardcat Please does not respond to an PM's try to ignore his posts... I will be purging most of his posts...

2-3-2013 New Alias Smoe please ignore any posts or PMs from this troll

2-2-2013 Once again Alias nonerv

1-26-2013 He is back again..first as bud55 now odderball... I pulled most of his posts and expect he will abandon this latest alias and in a day or two try again... Paul, give it a rest...

Just updating... this troll took a hiatus over on IRV2 but has come back with several aliases. First few posts were ok but has progressively reverted to an unwelcome pest.

For the first time in the ten years I have been your moderator I am going to alert relative to a troll... We have a member "allante" who has had several aliases; 1/17 here are some new ones... the current id "niftif"

pitney is what he was using earlier this week preceeded by rabnudski

So help me out and be on the look out for a new member that is basically a jerk... Let me know and I will deal with him. If you get any PM's from this latest alias just delete...Do not respond

Others Aliases are below...


You have not seen most of these id's and hopefully we have been able to stop off his ability to send PM's...

So if you see any posts that are well outside the normal standards for civility... Please send me a notify so I can insure that this individual is not the one or if he is I can stop him off.


While I am able to keep his garbage off the forum he often resorts to hiding behind his fake user ID and name to send very vile, obscene PM's I actually know his true ID and where he winters so he is not anonymous to me...

I request that all block this individual from sending you PM's and if you have received any do not respond... Responding allows him to respond to you...

I am sure this individual will register a new user name which I will post...And delete his posts... This individual is unwelcome and unwanted based on his unblemished record of being an obscene troll resulting in thousands of posts I have deleted...

So allante if you register a new alias I will find you... Delete all of your posts and out you on the forum so go away you are not welcome or wanted on this forum.

If any of you received an obscene PM's let me know. At the present time we do not have the ability to suspend PM privileges from those that abuse but the request to do so is in the Que... So help me out... Block this guy and help me get him shed off our forum... Thanks

JohnnyT Moderator

If you see any of these user names, or receive any nasty pms on any forums, please use the "notify moderator" feature.

Thank you, DianneOK, Moderator