The meaning of full-time RVing aside, there are sacrifices no matter what we do, although we may consider the cost to be worth the benefit.
I currently rent my house and enjoy the extra income but will be selling my house because I am aware of the emotional and mental freedom that comes with downsizing our lives. It is a trade-off no matter what we do.
When I left Colorado to move to California I was living in a large house in Colorado, and generally the more space you have the more things you will buy to fill up that space, and I had a ton of stuff in that house.
The majority of that stuff I either sold, gave away, or threw away, and it felt so good to downsize my life and get rid of all of that stuff. I have a European friend who thinks that Americans are pack rats; he says that Americans buy things because they are on sale and not because they need them.
For me, freedom is the spirit of living and traveling in an RV; but maybe that‘s just me. There is a Buddhist saying which goes “own no possessions that none may own you.” What we own owns us because we have to give it our time, attention, money, etc. Even if we pay someone, as I have, to take care of things for us, we still give it our concerns.
As I said I am not trying to define “full-timing” just talking about mental and emotional freedom. Although I do think that my full-time RVing is a way for me to recapture my carefree youth; back in the 1970's when I had a VW van with no seats in the rear, just lots of pillows, and I often lived in that van going wherever.