If you watch some of the You Tube channels you will see that folks are doing it with every manner of vehicle. Whats the right one for you is a much more difficult question.
Are you comfortable towing? You may not want to so TT's and 5er's may not work.
If you never have, rent the longest U-haul trailer and go pull it around some, do it on a Sunday and find a large parking lot, and practice backing.
Have either of you ever driven a larger vehicle? If you haven't, you may want to rent a motorhome for a weekend and try it, or rent a Large U-haul truck just to get an idea.
How do you envision full timing?
Commercial campgrounds all the time with full hookups?
Boondocking in the middle of nowhere?
Commercial CG's get expensive but can work if you plan longer stays, many give price breaks based on monthly space rent.
With them you always have electric and water but many dont have sewer connections everywhere. You may have to move to dump or carry a tote for waste.
Boondocking requires larger tanks since you will not have water readily available , nor the means to get rid of it. But with large grey and black tanks many can live comfortably for two weeks or more just off what they carry.
With a baby along, laundry becomes a question, larger quanities of water for both it and bathing can be more difficult. Plan accordingly.
Hopefully I gave you a few things to think through as you start your journey.