Forum Discussion

camper19709's avatar
Jul 27, 2013

what to do with left over remodel items?

I removed the dinette and replaced it with a nice big desk chair and a desk. Now. What do I do with all the hodge podge of wooden dinette pieces?
I plan to go fulltime next spring and there will be no S+B's to store anything. Everything I own will be with me.
Do I just throw it out?
Seems like a waste but I do not see the logic of paying to store it with the idea of ?maybe putting it back together when/if I ever sell the motorhome.
  • camper19709 wrote:
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I now feel better just getting rid of parts that are essentially unusable.
    Moving on with my life!

    First rule of full time RV life:
    Get rid of "stuff" that serves no purpose other that to clutter your life!

    Second rule:
    Don't accumulate more "stuff" that will serve no purpose!

    You know what the next step is..."Moving on with my life"
  • Thanks everyone for your responses. I now feel better just getting rid of parts that are essentially unusable.
    Moving on with my life!
  • We sold some things, gave away others and abandoned some. Move on, life is short.
    Definitely don't try to save anything you are no longer using.
  • We've had our son sell quite a few RV items on Craigslist last year. We also replaced our dinette with a new upgrade.

    The old table and one chair is in a spare room at our daughter's until they tire of it and then it will probably go to the Salvation Army. We have two chairs in the RV and the 4th one sitting in our Guest Room at the DD's.
  • popeyemth wrote:
    Put them on the curb with a "For Sale $100" sign an somebody will steal them by daylight :)

  • Many people advertise these type of things on Craigslist under the RV heading. Anyone looking for rv related items would look there. I would list them for sale. There are plenty of people on the forums who take out booths for a table and chairs, and others who have a table and chairs that want a booth. I'm sure there will be someone who will purchase it if it's still in good condition.
  • Put them on the curb with a "For Sale $100" sign an somebody will steal them by daylight :)
  • I've done several upgrades since I've been full time and I usually do the work in one of the smaller 'mom-n-pop' parks. I usually discuss disposal of my old items with the owner/manager prior to beginning the work. I've replaced carpet, a jack-knife couch, an older style leather chair, a small cabinet, mattress and 2 tube type TV's so far... and everything but the TV's have been taken away by either other RVers or locals who wanted/needed them. While I may have been able to get a few bucks for some of the items it wasn't worth the effort to advertise anywhere and hang out until they sold. As your still in a home you might want to try and sell them... or just put em out on the street and if they are worth anything, someone will claim them.
  • List it on CL as a free item?
    Maybe someone is converting a bus/truck to a RV and needs one.