I will stop when I die. I am in good shape. My parent lived to be almost a 100 (dead early due listening to idiot doctors). My grandparents actually hit 100yo and one lived past 100 (gotta love old Sicilians). I take care of myself. When I hit the point that I can no longer adjust things to where I can't do them by myself, I will simply travel with some younger fulltiming friends who are like family to me. I've known 20yo who were so weak and helpless they couldn't hitch up a towed (this 80+yo woman did it for them because they couldn't pull the hitch out... weak girly-girl men tick me off). I've known 90 yos who were in much better physical and mental shape than most of the "youngsters" I run into. Just stay out of my way. I've got a life to live.