The US has the most confiremd cases because they also have the most efficient and widespread testing regimen going on in most regions. Outside of major cities, like NY, LA, SF, (although Cali isn't doing that bad either) where the population is crammed in like sardines, they aren't doing that badly. Health Canada just rolled the dice (it seems to be a **** shoot with them) and OK'd a new antigen test. No wonder we look better than some of the others, we haven't been effectively testing. Not that it matters in the long run anyway. We can't hide under our beds forever, if we expect to be able to recover from this mess. It's just going to take someone with some cojones to give the word.
I like the US Executive Branch's approach to allowing the individual governors and state medical people to have more control over their domain, and to allow them to handle their own restarts by location, based on their greater familiarity with their own back yard. In spite of what some might believe, there isn't a one size fits all fix for this situation. It's foolish to think you can set benchmark dates, and have everyone jump in at the deep end then. That would be reckless.
All just my opinion, of course.
EDIT: Changed "Trump" to "US Executive Branch" to reduce the political "feel".