D.E.Bishop wrote:
Back on track and a FYI for the OP, while not all Texans are gun toting neanderthals, it seems that years of dealing with them and their right to carry, Canadian Customs appear to be a little sticky when dealing with Texans. If you choose to take a weapon into Canada, be prepared to be questioned extensively.
That seems to be EXACTLY the issue too.
The right to carry.
It does NOT apply to Canada.
You are welcome to bring firearms into Canada, for hunting, in season, and in appropriate part of Canada ......... or for legitimate shooting competitions and you are qualified and registered.
If however, someone gets ‘fussy’ and tries to tell the officials of a foreign sovereign country what THEY think they should be allowed to do, well, that just won’t go over well.
In fact, it would probably go over about as well as a Canadian disregarding US law while down there.