Sep 20, 2018Explorer
Canada & Guns
So, I have been told that hand guns are not allowed when crossing into Canada... and shotguns and rifles are probably more of a hassle than you want, unless you are specifically going there to hunt......
lakeside013104 wrote:georgelesley wrote:theoldwizard1 wrote:ppine wrote:
Remember to have a pass port.
A passport make getting back INTO the US easier and probably will be a requirement in the future.
Actually it already is. Passport or a passport card which looks like a drivers license but can only be used for land travel across US/Canadian border. (Not sure about US/Mexico). If you do not have one or the other, you will be denied reenty into the USA
Denying a US Citizen the ability to re-enter his own country is a great way for a US Border Officer to get a 'nasty gram' from their supervisor or a few days off for not doing their job correctly.
US Citizens returning to the USA, CANNOT be refused entry, UNLESS that person has renounced their US Citizenship.