Being a michoacanero and a citizen of Mexico I was curious about this story
Especially when the writer HAS NO IDEA WHATSOEVER where this town is.
"the town of Santa Ana Maya in western Michoacan state"
The pueblo is in the FAR FAR northeastern section of Michoacan.
The indigenas, of Michoacan have been feuding long before the Spaniards landed.
1. Feuds between groups, families. PRI vs. PRD (PAN is insignificant here)
2. Feuds between Pueblos
3. Feuds between municipios
4. Feuds against gobernacion del estado (Michoacan
5. Feuds against gobernacion federal (México)
And throw in los carteles as a last straw.
Everybody wants to get into the act. You folks are not Mexicanos so you do not understand the prime directive of doing something and blaming it on someone else. To understand better ask a Mexican friend when you have a chance. Yes there is a large presence of criminals in Michoacan like there is a large presence of criminals all over México. When I sell my mangos to Jumex, I have to use a coyote, the same as all the others mangeros.
But making things murky in michoacan, is the fact of all these groups who for many years have pronounced the gobernacion estadal utterly corrupt with gobernacion municipal as being close behind. When the drogistas moved in, they put the julias (cops) deeper into their pocket. So self-defense groups were formed. But it doesn't stop there - these guys figured "Hey the cabrones of El Limon have been insulting us for generations; let's take care of them too".
Now enter a shipdit gringo jounalist. He sits down and tries to interpret an article written in Spanish by a jornalista who fears for his life. The gringo minterprets THE WESTERN STATE OF MICHOACAN or misuses the phrase and now all of a sudden the pueblo of Sta Ana has magically jumped several hundred miles to the west - almost into the oceano pacifico.
So now we have a commie under every bed and three more in the closet.
I saw Lazaro become infected even more. The cops were bad enough until los caballeros templarios came and made it worse. Much worse. Not violence. The outrageous corruption. It got so bad there is no police service. Hell no, the cops are full-time employees of LCT. I am not talking about balaceros (shootouts) kidnappings or using a passing casarodante for a duck in a shooting pond. The cops became utterly unresponsive to calls for petty or major crime of any sort. Pretty much what happens when a cartel takes over any area of Mexico.
But what makes Michoacan different is the independence of it's citizenry. In my pueblo, differences are not settled with the cops, differences are settled with decisions by the LFM La Familia Michoacana. This group does not violate la gente like LCT. And you can bet your sweet burro LCT does not stick their nose into LFM turf. I am fortunate.
But for anyone to sit someplace outside of Michoacan and pontificate is absurd. It would be laughable except the truth would never get out. As long as the indigenous in Michoacan decide to continue self rule, there are going to be conflicts.
Assassinations, strife, confrontations. But very very little of it involves the tourists. Involvement includes inconveniences, not merely hazard or danger.
Gobernacion Federal fears the uprising and denunciaciones. They should, the PGR has not responded to endless claims of federal corruption.
But EVERYONE blames everyone else.
And innocent merchants, and employees that rely on tourism from the extraneous are the ones who get hurt. Idiot journalists write alarmist stories that imply imminent danger when there is none. That is unforgivable.