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RV Tourism in Mexico

Every season there are posters who think that this year RV tourism is increasing. As much as we would all like to think it is recovering the truth is it sucks! Today, El Imparcial has an article on the loss of trailer parks in San Carlos. There are quotes from the Tourist and Convention people with statistics. They used to have a thousand RV tourists in SC. Now it is maybe 150. Kino is very similar. They also mention that the RV'rs would return every year and eventually buy a house. The article also mentions the impact on the local economy. I can remember when you needed a reservation to get a spot in Kino. Not now. According to that article they blame the perception of insecurity.

196 REPLIES 196

briansue wrote:
were they appointed or elected?

How many votes does $300 million buy? How many politicians? Lots and lots.

You really believe that? Put your tin foil hat on and tune to Faux News.

Please - let's stay focused on Mexico. Voicing extreme political opinions is going to make readers lose respect for any of your opinions. It does for me. There are other forums for political rants.

Guaymas, Mx or Ferguson, MO - which would you choose?

Detroit or Flint, MI.......

were they appointed or elected?

How many votes does $300 million buy? How many politicians? Lots and lots.

Explorer II
Explorer II
If you had a choice of where to spend the next two weeks, Guaymas, Mx or Ferguson, MO - which would you choose?

2021 Arctic Fox 1150
'15 F350 6.7 diesel dually long bed
Eagle Cap Owners
“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

Thanks russ for your info.

I think corruption is bad when it hits the street and affect your daily life. In my country and USA, I still can trust the officials on the streets. If you have doubts about the officials in Mexico on the streets, this is where it hurts.

Let's be objective, there is and will allways be corruption in any government at one level or the other. Some are very subtile but they still take your tax money. But you do not see them and they do not affect your daily life. It will cost you in Tax but the justice should take care of them one day or the other hopefully.
Monaco Cayman 34 2003, Cummins 300HP
Bigfoot 2008, 10.4, F350, 2006, Diesel 6.0, Black, 4x4, long box, Air lift, Rancho 9000, Rear sway bar.

briansue wrote:
Do you believe there is corruption in your government?

I certainly do believe my government in the US is about as corrupt as they get. Consider the Koch brothers just put almost $300 MILLION and several other put in up to $100 million into getting a whole bunch of bought an paid for politicians into office - more corrupt people than you can shake a stick at - doing the bidding of the rich. Nothing could be more corrupt.

HM......were they appointed or elected? If elected - they needed more than two votes to be elected. They are corrupt in your opinion. Please do are they ones in office or soon to be in office "corrupt"? You have been listening to Faux (Sean Hannity) News or Rush Limbaugh too much......

Do you believe there is corruption in your government?

I certainly do believe my government in the US is about as corrupt as they get. Consider the Koch brothers just put almost $300 MILLION and several others put in up to $100 million each getting a whole bunch of bought an paid for politicians into office - more corrupt people than you can shake a stick at - doing the bidding of the rich. Nothing could be more corrupt.

Jacon wrote:
This post will make a few people mad,but I could care less. Its about principal and America pulling together. Must keep forgetting about the Marine held for 214 days when it was proved he made an honest mistake in taking the wrong road.

Anybody out there ever made a mistake while traveling on the road,take a wrong turn? Thank God one news organization had the wisdom to keep us informed unlike the other liberal non-reporting ones.

What if it was your son or daughter incarcerated. Different story.Yes everyone has the right to vacation where they want,is that not the American way, but I for one will not give a nickel to Mexico for any reason. Seems like we forget the other murders of American citizens in the past.Wake up.

Semper Fi

Let me tell you about a MISTAKE. 2010, Interstate 5, San Ysidro. Traffic came to a stop, southbound. Dead total stop. At the San Ysidro hotel the next day I found out why: A man remembered he had firearms in his camper. He pulled over onto the shoulder and stopped about 1/4 miles before garita 2 entrance to Mexico. I was told a border patrol truck stopped and the man explained his predicament. The Highway Patrol was summoned. They stopped the freeway and allowed the man to back up more than 1/2 mile to the last USA exit and then let him proceed. I continued to Tijuana then returned that afternoon. The story made the radio station.

A man gets caught with firearms and ammunition. Two of the most coveted weapons in the entire country. Sicarios DO NOT LIKE the cuerno AK47 because of the recoil, they much prefer the .556 AR15 which can be refitted to make it into an M16. The model 1911 Colt .45 is prestige. They are sent out to be engraved and coated with gold and get pearl or ivory handles. An Uzi is unobtainable but is king of the hill as far as firearms desirability. An excellent condition AR15 sells for six thousand US dollars, a beautiful 1911 Colt .45 sells for two to three thousand dollars. Ammunition for both = 3 to 5 dollars a cartridge. I heard an UZI would bring 50,000 US dollars.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Kidoo wrote:
Mexicoruss, do you have any recommendation on RV Caravans? I am thinking at going with one, but not too far and not for too long for the first time anyway.

I work a lot with Fantasy Caravans out of Las Vegas, I am not sure the forum will allow this comment to stay but grab it while you can Look them up, they are easy to find
Russ Black
011-521-638-113-4591 Cell Phone
Puerto Penasco, Sonora

Mexicoruss, do you have any recommendation on RV Caravans? I am thinking at going with one, but not too far and not for too long for the first time anyway.
Monaco Cayman 34 2003, Cummins 300HP
Bigfoot 2008, 10.4, F350, 2006, Diesel 6.0, Black, 4x4, long box, Air lift, Rancho 9000, Rear sway bar.

Explorer II
Explorer II
smn wrote:
I usually stay out of the swamp, but get a chuckle when I see people posting how there going to skip mx for the safety of AZ, NMex.It was about three years ago when 3 inmates of a state pen in Kingmen escaped with the aid of a female cousin who were lovers and killed a wife and husband in there motorhome in NMex and left in the toad.I choose to live in the Southwest but daily the news from Albq,Tucson,Phnx can be eyeball poppin. As the well worn cliché goes "don't be lulled into a false sense of security" evil never takes a siesta. This topic has been a real buzz kill. See those of you who getit down the Gringotanango trail. To waste your time trying to persude the Mx bashers is like blowin bubbles against a wall.

Loved it - thanks!
Russ Black
011-521-638-113-4591 Cell Phone
Puerto Penasco, Sonora

The best thing is to ask people who live in the country. There are a few good post here from people who lives in Mexico everyday. But sure, you could end up at the wrong place at the wrong time just like anywhere you travel. If you go to Alaska, do you ask the people from New York to tell you how it is with the bears? The news will make an horor story on someone that got attacked by a bear and everyone will think bears are very dangerous and think if you see one he will attack you, it will not likely happen.

Cancun was very nice a week ago as I travelled here and there by bus. We where just part of a bunch of people walking around and doing their own things, do not show off, stay out of trouble area and you should be OK.

Italy had many warnings many years ago, I went there with a car and a tent, was aware and did just fine.

Same in New Orleans downtown at night, just got off the main street with the stupid GPS routing me through the short route, not the kind of place you want to be at night, it looks VERY scary with the gangs on the streets, very scary for me anyway, I was at the wrong place in the wrong time I guess. Same in New York Bronx with the camper and trailer, it was a scary moment for my Canadian eyes.

In Spain in the 1980's, there was almost a war going on with the Basque conflict, people where getting bombed in the north, Barcelone roads where closed due to some fighting . We listened to radio, talk to some people at the France / Spain border, waited until the roads opened up and the way we went with the car and a tent. We went to all sort of restaurants and night clubs, no problems. Trouble was only in some specific parts of Spain, everywhere else was pretty quiet and trouble free.

In Moroco in the 1980's we had the Bus shearched by the police or military not sure, armed with big guns, there was still a low intensity war going on in the south, but not everywhere in Moroco.
Monaco Cayman 34 2003, Cummins 300HP
Bigfoot 2008, 10.4, F350, 2006, Diesel 6.0, Black, 4x4, long box, Air lift, Rancho 9000, Rear sway bar.

Explorer II
Explorer II
wa_desert_rat wrote:
Russ... fishing in the Guaymas area is amazing. One morning I got up and wanted fish for breakfast so I jumped in the dinghy and before I got 15 feet I had a Sierra Mackeral (one of my favorites) in the boat.

"Well, heck", I thought. "I'm not done fishing yet." So I started the little outboard up and, still inside San Carlos' outer harbor, went another 15 feet and BAM, another Sierra. This repeated several times until it dawned on me that I had far too many fish for us to eat or even keep cold. So I motored around the anchorage giving fish away until I just had one and I took that one home for breakfast.

I am truly sorry your dad didn't get to take you fishing with him in Guaymas. I was 40 when our son was born in the Pabellon Guadalupe in 1983 and I took him fishing many times before we headed back to put our daughter into school in the USA like her mom wanted. Not so much in Guaymas but over on the Baja side where he got to watch Mahi Mahi look us in the eye and spit, spit the lure at us, and swim away. He even got to run the boat now and then.

Que le vaya bien,


Gracias mi amigo nuevo!

To add a bit more to the youngest son died last month at the age of 21, he will be buried in one of his favorite places in Mexico. That's how deep this affection goes. We did get to fish together but we didn't have enough time gotta live while you are alive!
Russ Black
011-521-638-113-4591 Cell Phone
Puerto Penasco, Sonora

Russ... fishing in the Guaymas area is amazing. One morning I got up and wanted fish for breakfast so I jumped in the dinghy and before I got 15 feet I had a Sierra Mackeral (one of my favorites) in the boat.

"Well, heck", I thought. "I'm not done fishing yet." So I started the little outboard up and, still inside San Carlos' outer harbor, went another 15 feet and BAM, another Sierra. This repeated several times until it dawned on me that I had far too many fish for us to eat or even keep cold. So I motored around the anchorage giving fish away until I just had one and I took that one home for breakfast.

I am truly sorry your dad didn't get to take you fishing with him in Guaymas. I was 40 when our son was born in the Pabellon Guadalupe in 1983 and I took him fishing many times before we headed back to put our daughter into school in the USA like her mom wanted. Not so much in Guaymas but over on the Baja side where he got to watch Mahi Mahi look us in the eye and spit, spit the lure at us, and swim away. He even got to run the boat now and then.

Que le vaya bien,