The whole pandemic thing is hurting the world, not just Alaska. Regardless of the pro's and con's of the Canadian border being closed (that's entirely Canada's decision), some thoughts about flying in to AK in 2021:
- Many of the more prominent (meaning "Cruise Ship Affiliated") tourist entities in AK are allegedly going to remain shut down this summer....might check into any activities and make sure they'll be open....Particularly lodging and other activities in and around Denali / Glitter Gulch, but not unknown in other areas as well.
- I think it's likely changed but many of the tourist activities that were operating last summer (and may be open this summer) had certain restrictions (for example, 6-pack boats only allowed family members) that would be worth investigating before committing to an excursion.
- Much of the State mandated requirements for quarantine, etc. have been lifted and many local governments have changed their mandates to suggestions ("shall" v. "should") but it would be worth the time (IMO) to check the City of Fairbanks and Northstar Borough and ???? for any local COVID restrictions that may be imposed by the local government