Sabre Pilot wrote:
Lost 12 volt power to HWH jacks, backup camera, heater blower motor.
You have NOT lost power to your HWH jacks. If you check the 12 volt battery cable at the HWH pump you will have 12 volts. What you have lost is the Ignition side of the systems that are failed. Tiffin uses a 12 volt solenoid to power the HWH control panel, The camera, The dash AC and the Mirrors and a few other ignition side items. Either the fuse powering the solenoid is bad or the solenoid is bad. Usually on an older motorhome the solenoid has failed. 2000 model, the solenoid is usually on the outside front firewall on the drivers side area. Doug
PS. sometimes cycling the Ignition key rapidly 10 to 15 times will cause a defective solenoid to close. But it will fail again once power is removed