Forum Discussion

lucytravel12's avatar
Apr 24, 2015

'87 Falcon - Sliding storage compartment

Our Falcon has a very handy cabinet that's about 3' high and 8" wide. It slides out and has 3 shelves that are about the right size to hold canned goods. It's been "sticking" when I close it, and I saw today that some items have somehow fallen off the shelf and are now stuck in the back (a baggie containing crackers that I can hear "crunching). I reached back there and grabbed the baggie, but I can see there's another package back behind the shelves on the bottom of the unit. There's a can of Starkist Tuna stuck UNDER the entire shelf unit! It's rusted, and looks like it's been there for years.
This entire unit is surrounded by wood. Does anyone know how to remove this unit, or how to keep items from falling off the shelves?
If that can of tuna ever breaks open it will be a disaster!
  • I think the catches that hold the assembly from sliding out are attached to the back and it's put into the camper as a whole unit.
  • I wonder if the slides are like drawer slides and have releases that will let them be removed ?
  • X2... there are so many variables, that a photo of the sliding drawer would help immensely. Depending on how it is engineered, it might be possible to do as above, or perhaps replace/have a carpenter replace the slides with ones that can be detached in the future to allow lost item retrieval.
  • My idea was to use the string and magnet to get the can from the back, not the front. If it's on metal drawer slides you may be able to reach in and remove the screws and take out the slides. Post some photos, hard to get a mental picture.
  • Ha Ha! Already tried that and it didn't work. The can is too wide to get it out from the front. I need to somehow reach in from the rear or get the entire unit out. It has metal runners at the top and bottom (like at the bottom of most drawers), and I'm wondering if there's a way to get the whole unit out. I already tried pulling with no results, but I was careful. Didn't want to break the unit OR the can of tuna!
  • You might be able to get the Tuna can with a magnet attached to a rope, or heavy string, ya know do a little Tuna fishing.