Forum Discussion

  • Not that it matters but this is not a Sprinter even though it is a Mercedes. The Sprinter name wasn't used until the 1990's. I believe this is called a Mercedes TN van
  • I saw the two gear levers, and it obviously wasn't a 4x4. Reading the listing, I found it's a 5 speed and 3 speed combo... depending on the ratio splits, you might be getting a 15-speed transmission. _Lots_ of gear changes, but you can pretend you're driving a real big rig! Yeeee-haw!

    Jim, "Employees are not to use the suggestion box until further notice. The handle is broken and it won't flush."
  • I needed one of those in the 70's, I could have put my long boards in that one. That's surfboards, not 2X4's. :)