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3_dog_nights's avatar
Dec 08, 2017

calss B with W/D connection?

Looking to downsize from my 5'ver. Wife will entertain anything as long as she doesn't have to give up the washing machine. Ideas?
  • I looked at this, and for the most part, a W/D in the precious little space a "B" has is not worth it, unless you have a trailer (as mentioned above).

    Here is how I am going to address the W/D issue:

    1: If I get a trailer, I'll buy a vented W/D combo. That way, all the humid air heads outside and doesn't affect air quality inside the trailer. Plus, ventless W/Ds have to have extra components for dehumidification, which adds complexity, and the clothes tend to wind up slightly damp.

    2: Until then, I will use a retractable clothesline (if the class "B" doesn't have a hanging bar in the bathroom) for the inside dryer. With the bathroom vent open and a Vornado fan-forced heater aimed at the clothes, it will do a decent job in winter. For washing small items, the five gallon bucket, a specially designed plunger, and Bronner's soap will suffice. Simple, but works well, and takes up relatively little space (the bucket can be used for storage when not in use.)
  • I wonder if you could fit one of those small combo W/D machines in the back of a
    Travato 59G in the storage area under the bed.
  • There is also the ever-present consideration of weight, always an issue with a van. And even if you could find a space to fit a washer I think there might be and issue with water management as well.
  • You're looking at a total living area that is probably smaller than the bedroom in your 5th, in which is fitted your living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath, & storage. Now where could we put a W/D :h. Maybe a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet plunger for the washer & a rope for the dryer? :W Gary
  • I've never heard of a W/D in a Class B. There was 1 or 2 truck campers offered with the option. I think maybe Chalet or Host had it.
  • Pull a modified utility trailer with a W/D? Extra storage for toys too.