Forum Discussion

woodhog's avatar
Nov 10, 2013

Class B Van with good clearance ?

Are there any Class B vans produced that maintain the original van ground clearance.

It appears they all end up with a unit that has terrible clearance, after they add the extended rocker panels, low hanging exhaust pipes, sewer outlets etc.

I see the stock Chev 2500/3500 have 7-8 inches clearance before conversion. However when the manufacturers finish they are reduced to dangerous heights...

On one trip last summer I saw a Roadtrek entering the roadway from a parking lot over a small hump, a loud scraping noise followed as they drove off...
  • Roadtrek can special order a 4WD Quigley conversion on their 190 Popular.

    I will hazard a guess that the Transit will eventually be converted to 4x4 (Mercedes will pull authorized dealership status for anyone who tries to convert a Sprinter, and there is just no room on a FWD ProMaster to add a driveshaft and transfer case.)

    On the Sprinter forums, -supposedly-, if the rumors are to be believed, 2015 will bring the US market a 4WD Sprinter, but it seems that every year, next year will have one.
  • I have never had a problem with my PW dragging it's bottom. Sure did with my previous two C class rigs. With 22ft one doesnt get the back end hitting the ground when driving onto some of the smaller ferries(up the ramp I mean). Lowest point on mine is the generator exhaust. No trouble yet. And yes, with nearly 32 mpg(Canadian gallon) find a rig with much better economy than that!?
  • stevekk wrote:

    The Tiger is considered a Class C, and there are a few owners over in the forum.
  • I just want to see the class C pulling a toad that gets the same mileage as a Roadtrek. (diesel maybe against a gas Roadtrek?) :B

    Yes, the Chevy Roadtreks are low, but can be made 2" higher with a bit of work.;
  • There was a discussion on the B forum back in the summer about ground clearance, FYI. A couple of us with Sprinters measured out of curiosity, both had 8.5" at the lowest point (sewer pipe.) 12" at the back.

    Not as high as that great-looking Tiger, but it's proven to be sufficient clearance for a lot of rough roads we wanted to drive, like in Newfoundland last summer and more recently, the unpaved ones to Cajon in Hovenweep and to Chaco.
  • As mentioned, Sportsmobile. Or, if you're willing to go to a 19' C-, Tiger CX is a nice option and with 4WD.
  • My first RV was a Roadtrek. Too low to not scrape driving over a steep curb, and too tall to use a parking garage when visiting the sights. I now drive a 'C' and pull a toad. No better mileage, but no worse, either. And the Jeep Toad goes anywhere.