gbopp wrote:
I have never tried it but, if I needed the foam replaced I would use Great Stuff.
And, I would use one of These Nozzles.
I was thinking of using those. Seems like great stuff foam would work fine. It doesn't burn and is waterproof. I'll just have to make sure there's clearance after it expands. Seems like it would deaden the sound nicely. Anything would be better than nothing and nothing is what's on half of it now. My plan "so far" is to put some old blankets over the engine to use as a temporary 1" spacer. Cover the blankets with plastic, then spray the foam on the underside of the doghouse, install it wet, then let it cure over night. I'd expect the plastic would keep the foam from sticking to my blankets. I'm only going to shoot for 1" of foam after it's dry. I don't think the foam would ever expand out to the plastic if I don't get to trigger happy that is.
I'm not "sold" on the idea yet. The exhaust manifolds worry me. I'm not sure what temps the great stuff can withstand. Going down the road it will probably be fine but idling for long periods on hot days? Not so sure. That's why I posted my "hair brained" idea here. It's an RV forum, somebody will tell me I'm an FN idiot. LOL!