russkerri wrote:
We ran ours while driving with bicycles in the trailer, and one fell over, turned the propane range on, and fill the trailer with propane. Luckily, our carbon monoxide detector went off, and we aired out the trailer and had no damage.
So, if you do travel with yours on, be sure to make sure nothing can get to the knobs that would turn on the propane.
Yup. If you have the propane turned on for the fridge it's going to the stove also. And those knobs can be bumped on VERY easily.
All I know is the SAME thing happened to me. Stacked storage tubs up against the stove to move to new venue just down the road and it unknowingly to us bumped the knob to the on position.
Only my detector did NOT go off because the propane was finding the sink as the low point instead of the floor to make it to the detector in the back of a 31 ft MH. I damned near died in that little accident.