Gig3000 wrote:
Un-mechanical female here. I'm considering a class B for me, 2 cats and a dog. I plan to live in it for 2-3 months while exploring places to purchase a small home in the south. I would then use it as a camper and it would be my only vehicle. I would be looking for 24' and plan to use it as my primary vehicle as trading my car in for the class B.
Another un-mechanical female here. Are you planning to buy new or used? Gas vehicles are probably simpler than diesel and easier to find someone who can work on them. If you can buy new, you might look at the Winnebago Paseo on the Ford Transit. It is 22 feet long. Not too bad as a daily vehicle. (I only have my Roadtrek 170, which is only 18' but I only have one small dog) And it isn't as hard to find a Ford truck dealer who can deal with the size as it may be to find someone to work on a Sprinter.
Another option might be the Roadtrek 210, which is just over 21' and on a Chevy which is another dependable option. There are plenty of Chevy dealers everywhere.
Gig3000 wrote:
1) Some of these 55 plus mobile home parks(ex:the villages), would i be able to keep my "vehicle" at my residence? Most residential areas?
I spend my winters in one of those over 55 RV parks in AZ, and my vehicle fits under the awning of my park model with no problems. This is, of course, not true of all of them. I shopped with that in mind. Of course, you would also have to check out the rules of the HOA.
Gig3000 wrote:
2) Are Class B's easier to maintain than class C? I have a bad back.
It all depends... on which B and/or which C. Some brands are more dependable than others, of course.
You need to start shopping. Go and see as many as you can... and think about dealing with the dog and cats... deciding where you could put the cat box is a serious question.
RVs are all pretty labor intensive. I've always owned new vehicles so I didn't have to deal with too many repairs once everything was working. The older the vehicle, the more things could go wrong. The key is knowing where to go to get things fixed. It is also not cheap.