Aug-03-2013 04:52 AM
Aug-03-2013 03:18 PM
Aug-03-2013 03:07 PM
Aug-03-2013 10:56 AM
Aug-03-2013 07:33 AM
Aug-03-2013 07:07 AM
PSW wrote:If you need a good laugh, or cry as the case may be, watch the movie "Idiocracy". It's a comedy,but still prophetic about the population becoming stupid and it's results in 500 year future USA. I think we are closer than that.
Obviously, you needed Natalie or Sharona to explain to the nerds at the battery shops why they were so ignorant! Seriously, we seem to live in a world that is populated by people that don't give a darn and don't have a clue what they are doing. When you say "hydrometer" you might as well be saying "crank telephone" to these goofs.
I suspect that any serious RVer knows more about batteries than most people selling them. Gassing, discharge rates, etc. are just beyond their grasp or....more How sad. And customer service? Fahgetaboutit. That's the reason I am an Amazon Prime customer.
Yesterday, I ordered a new GPS and some over the counter medicine. I had gone to the Walmart and Walgreen near my home and they neither had the rather common medication in stock. Walgreen had an empty space for it on their shelf at a price almost double the online price.
No wonder our unemployment rate is high. Just ask someone in any store about their products. Get into a technical area like batteries and consumers are toast.
End of my rant and I truly understand and sympathize with you. Only one thing left to say: WIPE, please!!!
Aug-03-2013 06:01 AM