Forum Discussion

ol__grouch's avatar
Jun 23, 2014

Name that unit.

I'm open to suggestions for a name for my class B campervan. I like to name my vehicles for a couple of reasons. By anthropomorphising the vehicle with a name, one tends to take better care of it. Plus, I like to look rather eccentric at times. I've got a pickup named "Emily" and a Ford Focus named "Dimples". (It was in a hail storm before I got it and looks like a golf ball.)

The van is a 1989 GMC Vandura converted by Coachmen into their Horizon RV. The main van is blue with white trim and the raised roof section is white. It does have problems wandering in high cross winds but otherwise drives great. Names from Greek mythology, Norse mythology or anything else is fair game. I'll know the name when I see it. My cars generally name themselves by their operating traits.

So, throw some names out and let's see what happens. No prizes except the knowledge that a forlorn piece of equipment will have some dignity.