Jim M. has it correct. a MH on sticks is not going to roll. Unless someone had found a way to change the laws of physics, it cannot happen. You have the same weight on the 4 sticks, as you had on the 6, or more tires. That's a lot of pressure on the 4 pads. The world will not come to an end if you raise the rear tires off the ground. Granted, if you are on unstable ground, it may slip, but more than likely, it will sink. Besides if the ground is that unstable, what are you doing with you MH on it? Your MH was built on a very level concrete surface, and making it level when you park it can prevent frame twist, windshield binding, not to mention the actual box that you live in. What about you slides? Does it make sense to have the MH leveled before extending them? I know the dealers extend them all the time without leveling the RVs, and I try to say away from them. I also know that Monaco says to extend the slides before leveling, but common sense would not agree with this. If you think your leveling jacks are not strong enough to support the weight of your MH, get under it and look at the way they are mounted, and physical size of them, then make your decision.
Rant over.
Merry Christmas to all.
Jim B.