LWiddis . . . I'm a 100% disabled Marine Veteran - I have busted up knees - fell on a tank in 29 Palms in 1983 - and I can't climb anywhere, much less the top of my RV. Sorry to have bothered you with my request for some info about replacing the roof. I'm sure you had a lot better things to do with your time.
As far as the "doing it myself", I meant that I would hire someone to get up there and just patch it if it's not that bad instead of forking over $5400 for the vinyl roof. The insurance paid on it but not enough for the vinyl roof and especially not enough for the new fiberglass roof.All he said was that I had a "cracked fiberglass roof". I've never had a fiberglass roof before, spent hours online researching solutions and simply wanted some experienced opinions from people who have had this issue before.
Were you so judgmental because I'm female? Maybe next time consider the reasons I may not "know so much" before being so mean.