Forum Discussion

Curtis01's avatar
Nov 25, 2020

RVA J2 Manual - can I upgrade to Auto?

I’ve got the manual Jii leveling system and was just wondering if with a wiring harness and auto display if I could upgrade to automatic
  • Manufacturers pinching a supplier? I just don’t believe it. lol
  • You need to Contac RVA. You do realize RVA went out of business 15 years ago? They were an exclusive Jack supplier to the Old Monaco and Monaco screwed the owner of RVA by demanding he drastically lower his Jack kits or loose the business to competitors. He could not and Monaco dropped him. BUT, he owned other business's and he kept the Replacement part and Jack rebuild part of the RVA open. I would contac RVA (855-782-4068)and see what parts you will need to upgrade. According to their website, the Auto kits and parts are no longer available. They DO offer a Auto to Manual kit, but you already have the manual system. Doug

    PS, RVA was an extremely reliable HYD Jack system.